This one was born out of an experimental board for my personal quiver. The tail shape was one that I had been thinking about for a couple months, but wasn't sure what outline I should use to apply it to. After wanting to create an asymmetrical stubby twin that would replace a fish, this tail shape was the perfect fit.
The width in the board, in comparison to a fish, is shifted out of the nose and into the tail region of the board. This allows the board to fit better in the tighter curves of a steeper wave when going straight up and down. With 2 channels on the heel and 1 sweeping channel on the toe, it aids in breaking up water flow through the wide tail adding speed and bite.
Since its original design, I have come to make 2 versions of this board, The fishy (original) version serving the purpose of making very small and gutless waves easily surfed, with the gunny version being able to tackle overhead waves. The idea for this came when Jimmy wanted an Ilúvatar, but wanted the ability to take it to Hawaii and ride it in a wider variety of waves. The gunny version is not as well suited to knee-high waves, but depending on what purpose you want this board to serve, gearing the Ilúvatar more toward waves of substance may be for you. The gunny version differences include, stretched outline, more parallel, deeper channels, increased rocker, and narrower tail block.
One of the fastest boards you will set foot on. This board is meant to cause you to draw different lines on a wave than you normally would.
Designed to serve up smiles by breaking up the monotony.
Very small to medium-sized waves
Ride this 4-9 inches shorter than you are tall
Jimmy Surfs on a 5' 4" Gunny Version
Myself on a 5' 3" Fishy Version